
Editorial Policy

The Journal of Social Work Bulletin is following peer review process, wherein reviewers and authors remain anonymous throughout the entire review process.

Peer Review Process

The manuscripts are reviewed initially by the Editors of the Social Work Bulletin, the papers that meet the scope, scientific and editorial standards of the journal are sent for outside review by two members of the editorial board.

The feedback and final communication with the authors of the submitted articles will be done by Editors only the communication shall be in concurrence with inputs received from the referees, in order for the author to revise their article and resubmit it for consideration.

The editors reserve the right to decide upon; Manuscripts failing to meet acceptable standards of English usage, with incomplete or outdated bibliographies, or the content of which is technically weak or inappropriate for the scope of the journal will generally be rejected on submission by editors directly without the reference of referees.

The general communication of editors with authors will be as one of the following:

  • Accept after Minor Revisions:
    The paper is accepted after revision based on the reviewer’s comments. Authors will be given stipulated time as per revisions required
  • Reconsider after Major Revisions:
    The acceptance of the paper will be subject to major changes. The author needs may need to make changes in light of inputs received from referees.  The Authors will be asked to resubmit the revised paper within a suitable time frame, and the revised version will be returned to the reviewer for further comments.
  • Reject:
    The paper has technical flaws , and/or makes no original significant contribution in social work education directly or indirectly. The authors have no option of  resubmission to the social work bulletin.

Ethical Policy

Social Work Bulletin Values and Ethics

The Social Work Bulletin follows the Values and Ethics which are in conjunction with the  social work education, practice, and research. The journal tries to address the social problems and issues that are confronted by society. Upon selection and reviewing of articles for publication a due consideration is kept in adjudging the ethical basis of manuscripts and its value philosophy. The purpose of the ethical guidelines help in determining how we conduct our research and how we present it within Social Work philosophy which includes;

v  Willingness to transmit knowledge and skills to others.

v  The manuscripts must uphold “Respect for confidentiality of relationship with clients”.

v  The Manuscripts must follow the ethical responsibilities in practice settings for social work profession.

v  The journal follows an understanding of differing ethnic and cultural patterns, as well as the capacity to engage in ethnic-gender, and age-sensitive practice and research.

Further, The Social Work Bulletin is also attempting to embrace core values of Social Work profession like:  

  • Service
  • Social Justice
  • Dignity and Worth of The Person
  • Importance of Human Relationships
  • Integrity
  • Competence.